WOW Business Now Mastermind is a live group mastermind with hot seats to help you launch & scale your digital business.
If you have:
Been struggling to determine your niche?
Been getting the wrong clients reaching out to you because your messaging is
off, or worse, no clients reaching out to you ...
Taken course after course and still have not progressed.
Tried to "piecemeal" your solution where you've learned from different people
and tried to pull it together on your own.
Struggled to get leads and turn them into clients consistently.
Been flying solo with little to no guidance only to find months or years later your business
has not progressed and you see others moving forward and wonder when it's going to be your turn.
Then this is for you!
If You Know You're Ready To Take Action, Don't Wait Another Second ...
Let's Do This!
There are bills to pay that are BIGGER than the small number of clients you have!
It's not quite cutting it!
You NEED an alternative solution!
You've realised working hard in your business, day in and day out, hasn't brought the consistent income you dreamed of.
Stop piecing it together by yourself and let me take you by the hand and show you how to do it!
Enough already! It's time to stop messing around and get serious about your business.
WOW Business Now! is a full end-to-end mastermind hybrid coaching program packed with strategy sessions, digital assets, live group coaching & hot seats to help you launch & scale your digital business.
This program is designed for busy entrepreneurs, who need accountability and strategic coaching,
who don't want to go it alone, and prefer a supportive environment to get all their questions answered!
Establish - Create - Publish, Launch AND Automate, with me right by your side!
There’s a lot to gain from being part of a Mastermind group. Your network is your net worth, and through Mastermind groups, you’ll be able to foster accountability, support, brainstorming, resources and connections.
So, what are the benefits of joining a Mastermind Group?
If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you're going to walk far, walk together.
In a Mastermind group, you’ll gain A LOT more than you would by yourself. Discussing business challenges brought to the session by other members will expand your horizons above and beyond what you are exposed to in your own business.
It will put you in a position where you are trying to overcome others' challenges, without the stress of it being part of your day-to-day. Above all, it will push you, and help you question what you are doing within your own business.
When you work on projects by yourself it can be hard to know: Does this idea really work, or is it just something I think is fun and shiny? Are there things about this idea that I am missing?
Some of the great benefits of joining a mastermind group is that you get different perspectives, life experiences and ways of thinking about solutions. You have people who can give feedback on your ideas, and you can hear their ideas.
An idea generated in a mastermind group could be the difference between success and failure. It can take your business to the next level.
When other members of the group explain what’s currently working best in their businesses, you can easily apply this to your business with great success.
One of the best things about mastermind groups is that the members will almost always have their “own little black book”.
Because you’re all focused on helping each other grow, other Masterminders are likely to share their contacts much more readily than in almost any other business relationship.
Many times, you will find other business owners in your mastermind group in complementary businesses that you can work with to grow collectively.
Learning new things by yourself can be overwhelming. In a mastermind group, you’ll learn new things together, or learn from one another. You’ll most likely have something to learn from everyone.
So, since the members of your mastermind group will possess skills and ideas that may have taken them years to develop; they can often share them with you in a matter of minutes.
It’s easy to fall back on our goals, postpone them to another day, or just wholly lose our motivation.
With an accountability group, however, you’re more likely to stay focused. When you have a group that’s constantly pushing you to do your best and keep up with the pressure, life becomes easier. Because when you know you need to answer to someone, you’ll actually strive to put in the work.
A Mastermind group keeps you grounded, puts your problem into perspective and keeps you hooked on achieving your goals.
Relationships give us access to a myriad of opportunities. And if we tap into these connections through Mastermind groups, we’re placed in a much higher position to succeed in what we do.
Remember that what makes a great mastermind group is the members. The powerful individual traits come together in a cohesive way.
If you would like to learn more about mastermind groups, you’re more than welcome to join one of our FREE Mastermind taster sessions. Register here.
“The exchange of knowledge is one of the greatest exchanges in the world.” ~Napoleon Hill
You started your business for freedom! Is that how this has been feeling for you?
Am I operating in the right niche? How do I know if it's really going to be profitable?
Do I know enough to be able to get my message out there?
How do I craft my offer so that it is irresistible? I don't know what to include so that people buy!
What should I price my offer at? How do I know if it's priced correctly or way off track?!
How do I take my idea to a product? What steps should I take? How do I actually BUILD it?
Once I've built the course where do I put it so that people can access it?
I want to automate but I have no idea where to start. What should I do first?
I've heard webinars are good, but I have no idea how to run one. What should I put on the slides?
How do I deliver the webinar after I've created the slides?
How do I market my offerings? I'm not ready to run ads. This whole "selling" thing is getting me down - I did not get into entrepreneurship to be a salesman!
And, although the gurus and social media postings would have you believe it's easy ... for most entrepreneurs the stress of the ups and downs is a harsh reality.