
Learn proven strategies and methods to help turn your passion for embodiment into a sustainable business 

Get Over Your Reluctance To Marketing & Make This Your Best Year Yet with Effective, Mindful Marketing


If you want to spend your days living and breathing your passion, without the worry of money weighing heavy on your shoulders – Mindful Marketing is for you.

Mindful marketing is the basis of all forms or reluctant marketing forms we offer, ranging from the course, to group coaching to masterminds to exclusive 1 on 1 mentoring, and they are all designed for people who are great at what they do but aren’t reaching their full potential because their lack of marketing know-how and the reluctance to marketing, is holding them back.

The Reluctant Marketing sessions are just a taste of how changing your mindset and applying some simple (yet seriously effective) strategies can dramatically transform your business.

The Course

The Course gives you all the strategies & tactics you need

Group Coaching

Gain knowledge and support with Immersive Group Coaching 

Get Over Your Reluctance for Marketing
& Choose Your Learning Format


Choose Masterminds to achieve your full potential and network

1on1 Mentoring

Rapidly grow your business with exclusive 1on1 Mentoring  

If you don’t love marketing, we totally get it. We didn’t either.
But we had a purpose bigger than ourselves, and we knew Mindful Marketing was key.

All training formats are split into 2 sections:
The Inner journey 
A better way to think about marketing
(Mindsets, perspectives, embodiment – the inner “game”)
The Outer journey
A better way to do marketing
(Strategies, tools, methods – the nuts and bolts)

What you’ll learn

Effective Mindsets

Throughout all the modules, we’ll dive deeper into your relationship with money and give you the tools and support needed to completely rewire your mind to see marketing, money and selling for what they truly are: Love, generosity and self-care.

Proven Strategies

We’ll explore the different strategies I use to market myself and my business. Discover real life strategies and tactics step by step, all broken down into frameworks for effective implementations. 
All the strategies have been tried and tested.

Real Application

We’ll discuss how you can implement these newfound ideas and strategies into your business to start generating a sustainable income in 2021 and feel damn good doing it.

Topics Overview:

Hi, my name is Jennifer! 

For the last 14 years I have worked passionately with people in all stages of business from all over the world, who run into marketing reluctance and business growth issues. 
Most business owners have a reluctance to marketing, thinking it is sleazy or salesy. As business owners, we don’t have a choice on whether or not to market. It is how we grow, brand and evolve.  
I can tell you that in most cases it takes me maximum  of 12 sessions to get a business started, on track and growing to exceeding expectations, eliminating the problems and self-limitations and really move them forward. 
So anyone with marketing reluctance,  I know I can help and if that's your issue, let's move you forward today!

Jennifer Segerius, MBA

Why should I listen to you?

Here's the Deal

2021 best-year-yet guarantee

So, here’s the deal:
If you watch all the videos, attempt to learn and apply all the tools, techniques and strategies for the rest of 2021 and still haven’t:
– Gained new clients
– Significantly increased your income
– Built a visibly stronger reputation in your niche
– Had your best year to date

We’ll give you all your money back.
Plus, we’ll throw in $1,000 worth of products for FREE for good measure.
We’re that confident in this course. And frankly – in you!
But you have to try this stuff for at least 12 months. This isn’t a quick-fix. And frankly, anyone that promises instant results when it comes to business and marketing is probably lying to you.
But I guarantee that if you stick at it and apply this stuff daily, in 12 months you’ll be in a totally different place to where you are today.
And if for some reason you’re not, well – go back and read this section again.